Addiction [ah-dik´shun]
1. the state of being given up to some habit or compulsion.
2. strong physiological and psychological dependence on a
drug or other agent; see alcoholism and drug dependence.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine,
Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of
Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Addiction (dik´shn),
n the state of being addicted. Although there is no
universally accepted definition, addiction is generally considered a condition
involving two factors: (1) a compulsive behavior pattern, and (2) an altered
physiologic state that requires continued use of the drug to prevent withdrawal
Mosby's Dental Dictionary, 2nd edition. © 2008 Elsevier,
Inc. All rights reserved.
And God
spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee
out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other
gods before me. (Exodus
This week my blood work came back from an extensive allergy
assessment I had done last month. I talked to my doctor on the phone, and
besides still being moderately or highly allergic to 18 different outside
sources (molds, horses, dust and pollens to name a few) it also turns out I
have a high Candida count and have some sort of allergy to wheat, rye and yeast
(aka gluten). The doctor promptly told me that if I want to make a significant
difference in my health, I need to at least temporarily forgo all sugar and
gluten. The best source to understand what my doctor thinks I have is this:
I don’t think I quite realized how extensively these foods
were a part of my diet until I stopped eating them. Almost EVERYTHING I love to
eat and indulge in contains gluten or sugar! I had a distinct reaction of: how
am I going to live without these? And the problem is- I can go on to eat them
all without serious reaction… but it is the build-up of eating gluten and sugar
countless times a day that is the issue. For my overall health, for now, I need
to cut them out.
Addiction has been a hot topic in my life recently- and I
have had multiple conversations with people about either themselves or others
in their lives dealing with serious addictions- typical and atypical. My uncle Glenn sent me a
profound speech he wrote regarding Jonathan’s addiction and his experience
around watching his son ultimately are consumed by it. I hope to post an online
link to this article here in the future. One of my favorite quotes from Glenn’s
article is this:
“We are all vulnerable to
addiction. All of us are born with a tendency
towards an addiction to self. It
is the desire to put ourselves first, to please
ourselves, even at the expense of
others and even at the expense of hurting
addictions take different forms.
Some are alcohol or drug addictions. Others
are addictions to money or sex or
food or fame. I have this addiction. You
have this addiction. We are all
vulnerable and all in need of healing.”
In my opinion, the inherent and biggest problem with
addiction to something is the addict puts that thing in front of all others in
their life. They try to balance their addiction with people, jobs, other
priorities- but when push comes to shove that need comes first. And in the
worst cases, the need for this thing (whether sex, food, drugs, alcohol or a
whole other variety of items people get addicted to) overtakes their
relationships, integrity, their relationship with God and ultimately their very
self-value. This is why addiction kills- because a person can go so far as to
put their craving above their own survival. And It is one of the bitterest of
evils, because someones addiction renders those people in that person’s life
powerless. How do you save someone from themselves… not to mention watch
someone destroy their own lives when you love them and find their life worth
I was in a
conversation with a friend who knew something about having a candida imbalance,
she said “A good sign of having this is if you regularly crave sugar and grain
products”. My reaction to this was- that seems so counterintuitive- Why would
the body crave something that is causing it harm? I guess this is the nature of
addiction isn’t it? To crave and yearn for something ultimately causing us
What are you addicted to? What are the things you do not
want to or do not think you can go without? Are some people addicted to
complaining? Feeling sorry for themselves? What about being busy? I believe
addiction can come in all sorts of forms we don’t expect. The tricky thing is-
there is not something inherently wrong with the things we are addicted to
(except arguably drugs). It is just when something like sex or money or
whatever else becomes more important to us than other things.
Addiction has given me a new appreciation for the practice
of Lent in the Lutheran Tradition. We were encouraged growing up to ‘give up’
something for the 40 days of lent. In college, I remember friends giving up
chocolate, facebook and caffeine among other things. The idea as I understand
it is to give up that thing in your life for a time to make room for God.
I believe God is the only answer for addiction. You look at
statistics on treatment centers for drugs, alcohol and other recoveries and the
success rate is so low. If you are to beat the odds of a self-fueled disease,
you need something bigger than yourself to be living for and guiding you. And
the practical application of putting God first is putting the people in your
life first- choosing your relationships over your addiction. It makes sense to
me why the 12 step program is the most successful treatment program for
alcoholics to date. God is essential for us to be saved from ourselves.
Over the last weeks my experience has not only been colored
by other’s experiences of addiction, but has have a taste of my own withdrawal.
I do not (or at least hope) I am not heavily addicted to these food items. And
maybe one day I will be able to eat sugar and gluten again without it harming
my health. And maybe if my doctor by chance is wrong- at least I will have
experienced for myself the disappointment of withdrawal from something and be
able to relate to others better for it.
And to all of you out there who are dealing with addiction
yourself or are supporting someone who is; I know to a small degree the
darkness you face. And I wish for you to get to experience new life and
freedom. And I pray no matter where you are on your faith journey- consider
looking to God. He is your hope for a healthy life on this earth.
amen, kelsie, addiction so very powerful and controlling, but God is more powerful. His light shines in our darkest times.
ReplyDeleteAddiction occurs in the primitive, reptilian brain. It also affects the limbic area of the brain, messing with the reward system of the brain. It is REAL! It is a force of nature, a disease. People don't really understand this. Addiction causes illness in the physical, emotional, relational, psychological and spiritual parts of a person. In other words, it destroys every part of us that makes us human. It is sweeping and deadly. It requires a spiritual healing for lasting recovery, because its origin is in the spiritual realm. Looking for peace, happiness and meaning in life in a chemical or physical fix is doomed to fail. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in this life. People need to embrace spiritual healing in order to remain in true recovery. They cannot beat it themselves; it is way too powerful. They can only defeat a habit by replacing it with another powerful habit. Just trying to deny themselves the "fix" they are craving will lead them back into that circle of craving and addiction, the one you have illustrated in the blog. Putting God and recovery at the center of your life, with great humility and willingness to ask for help every single day, is the path to healing. Some cannot find this, cannot find God, become lost in the vortex of pain, shame, and enslavement. Every recovery from addiction is a bit of a miracle, for many are sucked down into the whirlpool of destruction. We weep for those who are lost in this, like Jonathan, but we also know that many find the light again, regain their footing, can live spectacular lives that are transformed by their growth and recovery from the edge of the abyss. Eventually, many are grateful for their addiction, and express this by saying, "I am a grateful, recovering addict." This is because they have been transformed by the understandings, pain, sufferings, and growth that recovery has given them. They live to share this with others, and know they can give others valuable guidance on the pathway to life, as few are able to do unless they have walked this path themselves. So God can use addiction and recovery for his own healing purposes.